Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year, New attitude

Time to stop hating on LA. 
Mookie's resolution is to be positive about the city of Angels.

Everybody needs a little local loving.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The BJ Armstrong Anthem

Dear friends and Supporters,

At team Mookie we treat all our alumni with respect and loyalty- just
check out the BJ Armstrong anthem if you don't believe it:

The BJ Armstrong Anthem

BJ, why did you go away?
Please BJ come back and play
It's not the same without you on the courts
Looking good in your Bulls short shorts
BJ we really really love you
Team Mookie is here dude
When you're done being a sell out in Cali
We'll buy you a mansion with a big court in Bali

Brought to you by the supporters of Team Mookie and Management 
as well as the fund behind "stop hating on Team Mookie"

"Get your ass on the court"

True Story Tuesday

You know you're in Red Hook...
When somebody throws a TV at you.

Mookie says: Before we go overboard with the love for LA...

Vomit- city.
God peucked suburbs and it became LA.

That's how we know god is Swedish.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Mookie fact of the day:

0.7% of the global population is drunk right now

Sunday, December 28, 2008

the best of 08... more more more

Good riddance Mr. Bush!!
The end of a disgusting era.
Can the world please keep it together for a few more days?

call off the cowards

bombing doesn't solve anything

Saturday, December 27, 2008

An '08 BJ Armstrong salute

Cause here at Team Mookie, nobody retires.

The best of '08

Mookie says: 
Thanks for making it wild.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

True Story Tuesday

You know you're in LA when...
Everybody on the bus is in agreement to persuade the 720 bus driver to roll through the In and Out drive thru.

One passenger even tried to have an order made for delivery at the Westwood bus stop.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Mookie says: What about that Team Spirit?

It's December, 
We're all broke. 
It's either too damn cold or too damn hot.
People are going to split up in a few weeks, 
People are going to want to kill themselves.
Right now, the booze is spilling, and asses are jumping up on xerox machines.
If you ever wanted to fuck that boss... now is the time. 
If you ever wanted to document office mayhem, and family complexities... 
Go get the camera. 
You aren't alone if you feel overwhelmed. 
The team is here.
That's the spirit.
Here at Team Mookie, when the going gets tough, we look at our idol and ask: 
What would BJ Armstrong do?
Life is a fucking roller coaster. The best part is the trip down. 
Put your hands up and enjoy the ride.
Or just chill and eat a cookie.

Mookie fact of the day:

Escalator Regret Syndrome is increased by 76% in December

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

True Story Tuesday

You know you're in LA...
I was offered a one-day bus pass and vicodin on the corner of Sunset and Park in Echo Park at 1 am on a Saturday night, for the fine price of 10 bucks.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mookie fact of the day:

It is 11 times easier to recover skin cancer than breast cancer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mookie says:

Since it became mandatory among idiotic street savvy male morons to provide an "I'm not homosexual" disclaimer before any endearing or observational comments regarding the same sex, the term "no homo", in addition to it's obvious stupidity, has become standard and lame. 
I instead challenge you to take absurdity a step further, by adopting the term "no incest". 
It works well with any comments about relatives. 
For example: Hey sis- I really like that bathing suit- no incest. 
Or: Hey dad - I love your boots - no incest.
Let's make everybody uncomfortable.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mookie fact of the day meets true story Tuesday

It was rude of me to make y'all wait until Tuesday for the knowledge you've been thirsting...
However, as you will soon discover, it was well worth it.
Today Mookie brings you the delayed Monday mookie fact of the day, straight from the mouth of an LA bus driver- a true story Tuesday tale.

720 bus line, Westwood, 11:37 pm, 42 degrees

When politely asked to: "turn on the heat", the bus driver simply shook his head. 
I thought for a moment, why not? Every window on this thing is broken and it's unusually chilly in Los Angeles. In fact, I was freezing. 
She looked at me and asked for my beanie (since I couldn't figure out if the driver was male or female, I'm going to alternate between he and she throughout the story): 
"Can I have your hat?"
"What?", I replied.
"I'm really cold", he said, pulling my hand towards his, 
"Here, feel how cold my hands are - they've been on the cold steering wheel all day."
Uhm... What the fuck do you say to that?
The motor hummed through the awkward silence.
"Uhm, so turn on the heating system."
She looked away, with a straight and stern face, suitable only for an experienced driver, and paused. Waiting to pull to a stop at the cross light before looking back at me to answer:

No, Tuberculosis lives in the heat.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

NPR on Kanye

So true.. so true.

Mastermookie salutes Public Broadcasting.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

food police at it again...

I need you bad like the food I eat?!?!??!?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

True Story Tuesday

Real life.
True story...
Keep ya posted

Monday, December 1, 2008