Tuesday, April 28, 2009

True Story Tuesday

A well known Swedish fuck up gets himself ridiculously drunk at a function we are both attending, and I assume he is trying to hit on me when he claims that he "lost his key". I've heard that trick before, so I deny him access to the hotel we both are staying at. I also steal 4000 SEK from him, convinced that he'll just spend it on something foolish - like a cab to Oslo, or drugs, both suggestions that he had mentioned while I searched his bag for the missing key.
Next morning, I realize he REALLY did lose his key when he shows up day of the function in the same clothing I left him in, stating that some of the other hotel guests had notified the reception that a "bum" was sleeping in the parking lot. 
Ego check Mookie: Sometimes they don't want to fuck.
Sometimes the truth, is the truth.
Consider this next time he says: "I lost my key"

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