Monday, December 22, 2008

Mookie says: What about that Team Spirit?

It's December, 
We're all broke. 
It's either too damn cold or too damn hot.
People are going to split up in a few weeks, 
People are going to want to kill themselves.
Right now, the booze is spilling, and asses are jumping up on xerox machines.
If you ever wanted to fuck that boss... now is the time. 
If you ever wanted to document office mayhem, and family complexities... 
Go get the camera. 
You aren't alone if you feel overwhelmed. 
The team is here.
That's the spirit.
Here at Team Mookie, when the going gets tough, we look at our idol and ask: 
What would BJ Armstrong do?
Life is a fucking roller coaster. The best part is the trip down. 
Put your hands up and enjoy the ride.
Or just chill and eat a cookie.

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